Today Shetland artist and new friend
Anne Barron took me for a
stunning drive to visit the studio of painter and jewellery-maker
Mike Finny. Shetland is home to many artists and the rugged land, sea and sky weave a distinct yet diverse pattern of
music and
knitwear. It was quite interesting to hear Mike talk about his work and inspirations.
with the studio visit I was completely bowled over by the stunning
views through the car window as we drove on to Anne's place. Hills,
water, croft houses, stacked rock fences marking the land, vast
changing skies were everywhere as we wound our way through sheep covered
hills. Shetland ponies grazing against stark backdrops of rigid purple
hills, and the light-the LIGHT!. The mysterious moody light in Shetland
entices me to no end.

Anne and husband Mike live in 'Papil', Burra Isle. The name Papil is a Norse reference to the papar. 'This name can be found in the form Papyli in several locations in Iceland.
However, it is not just Papil's etymology that suggests the site of an
early (8th century) church, confirmation has been found in the form of the "Monk's
Stone", which was dug up in Papil and which is now in the Shetland Museum. A tall, narrow slab, it features a
distinctive circular crosshead, and carvings of monks and a Pictish lion. Below
this are two “birdman” figures holding a human head between their beaks.'
Shetland has a vast history dating back approximately 6000 years. 'Throughout the islands there are clues in the landscape to the
challenges and resources that shaped the lives of past inhabitants. From
a national perspective, it is arguably the most exciting place in
Britain for discovering and interpreting the past. Prehistoric field
systems, Bronze Age burnt mounds, Iron Age brochs, Pictish wheelhouses,
Viking and Norse longhouses and post-medieval fortifications all serve
to offer a rich tapestry of well-preserved and visible human settlement.'
Anne's lovely home is located very close to
Meal Beach. Shetland boasts many stunning beaches-this one has white sand!
As I write, the studio is being pelted by rain and crashing waves, the force nothing to what Shetlanders are accustomed to. Shetland seems invincible. I like that. I like that it isn't exploited by burger kings and macdonalds and starbucks. I like that people look themselves, not generic and processed. I like that agricultural land sits next to the sea. I like that culture and history are nurtured, not bulldozed. I like how right now, in this moment, I feel a sense of place in time, and that I am here.
*a sincere thank you to Anne for a wonderful day!