

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I am surprised at how accustomed I am to convenience. The lack of it these past few days  here has prompted a deeper examination of what is truly essential for me to have a fruitful life. I won’t go into detail about my personal journey but will mention two things that have caused me to contemplate what I rely on -weather and the internet! In the latter I am learning patience-the wifi comes and goes as often as the rain.

 I am having a love-hate relationship with the rain. I love it because the light going through it is something to behold. Looking up, through cathedral trees reaching into the sky, I see sparkling gold-beams on the dark patterned branches – it is transcending and divine. I cant help but think of author Martin Shaw's words i.e how nature mirrors our soul.

I have ventured into the forest a few times to paint. Accompanied by fickle bright sun I go  off, deliberately setting  up my gear close to the thick forest where I can duck out if the rain comes. The woods are so dense I figured they'd make a natural umbrella for me to wait out the rain and resume when the sky clears. And rain it did, just as I was setting up my gear. So I ducked under the trees. Initially I relished  the scent of moss and peat and staccato sounds of  birds, not hindered in the least by the succession of rain. But twenty minutes in, the rain still hadn’t broken and actually accelerated, at one point turning into wee bits of hail. 

Just as I was contemplating packing up and calling it a day the sun finally showed, the rain quieted, then stopped. I quickly got to work and painted fast, heady with all I had absorbed while waiting under tree-umbrellas. But not fast enough as it started to rain again. My easel filled with water and I was too-it was time to give up.

this larger drawing on mylar is in progress.20x30in.
Not sure where I am going. I have been researching Irish religion/politics and Irish famine so may have influenced the work a bit-but there is a lovely brave heart tree on the left.

The above images are some wee plein air

1 comment:

  1. My, it all does look rainy! I would not like losing the internet either. ...that would be tough. Hoping you have better weather in the future....though the rain is pretty!
